Friday, January 1, 2010

Fresh start

It is now 2010. Happy New Year! So long and good riddance to 2009, an awful year, in my humble opinion.

I need change. I need to do something new, exciting and life-changing. I'm young now. I'm afraid I'm going to get older and not have experienced anything spectacular.

So here's I list I'll continue adding on to of things I should consider doing....or definitely want to d and need to happen.

-Lose weight. This one is necessary in my opinion. I've been saying it for years and I've done this gradually, but now it needs to happen. It's not good that a lot of my self-confidence depends on my weight, but I keep convincing myself that it does. And I'm the only one who has control over my appearance. Control is a good thing. I need to finally do this and I'll feel happier about myself.

-Figure out a summer job...MassArt Library is an option. Library at home is another option. I'd rather stay in Boston because I believe it would be more eventful and I already have to pay for the apartment so that makes sense.

-Look into study abroad programs. Maybe even a summer program?

-Look into an internship...a summer internship or one for next year.

-Read more books.

-Sketch more

-Calm down...I don't be continued...